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Artic Computing Limited
Sinclair ZX81 (16k ram pack required)
Art & SFX: Jon Ritman
My first attempt at programming a game,
this was really just an attempt to find
anything to program having just learnt
how. I had seen an arcade game in a pub (I
was camping in the pub's back garden with
some mates at the time) and simply tried
to copy the rough memory I had of the
early levels - I could only do the early
levels because I had never been good
enough to get any further. When I started
this game I had never heard of an
assembler and as a result I was hand
converting to hex and then entering it
with a simple hex editor.. Discovering
assemblers meant a complete rewrite, mind
you it was far from easy with the
assembler from Bug Byte only having 256
labels and with the cranky tape saving
system that the ZX81 enjoyed. I think it
took about 3 months to write but I was
working full time as a TV repairman at
the time.
The name comes, of
course, from my surname backwards.

